Can Wi-Fi routers in your home truly increase any kind of health risks? Is Wi-Fi safe? And should we be more cautious when using it? How to reduce your daily EMF exposure?

There are two most common types of electromagnetic fields we get exposed to in our homes. Low-frequency EMF and radiofrequency EMF. We will go into more detail about each type later. These two types of EMF cover the vast majority of equipment that we could be exposed to in our day-to-day life.

Whether we like it or not, we are being exposed to a significant amount of EMFs every single day.
With technology progressing at incredible speed, the equipment emitting EMFs surrounds us almost wherever we go.

You should consider conducting an EMF survey whenever there is a strong EMF source nearby your home or at your workplace.

What is the best solution for your particular situation? How to choose the best EMF testing service for your needs? In this article, we will go through the cons and pros of all options.

Living near high voltage electrical pylons substantially increases the risks of contracting cancer, according to a study by doctors at the University of Bristol Medical School, UK. The potential health effects of the electromagnetic fields generated by high voltage cables have been a highly controversial issue for more than 20 years.

An electromagnetic field test measures the amount of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic exposure a product or equipment emits to its users, including static, extremely low frequency, and radiofrequency EMF. There are different regulatory limits for occupational and general public exposure.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us, but do they have biological effects on the human body? In this article, we'll examine the evidence and discuss ways to minimize exposure to EMFs.